Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Page Element!

As some of you may have noticed, my blog has been under construction. No, I was not in post-election hiding. (I'm actually fine.) I started making a couple changes at M&D's, then got all behind with my work at home, slept in a couple days and wooosh.... backed up on the blog.

Anyway, one thing that is different is a new section on the side-bar called "Pathway Through Proverbs." You see, the pastor at my old church in Pgh, Mark Montgomery, sends out daily mini-devotionals, along with a passage of scripture, via email. This year, he has been focusing on one verse from Proverbs every day. Proverbs, by definition, are brief statements expressing some truth or fundamental principle.

With permission, I am posting (what is pretty much) his proverb of the day along with his commentary on it. Who can't use a brief little reminder of a fundamental truth to get you off to the right start?

My goal is to post the new proverb EACH day. If you like it, want more, miss a day or would like to show it to someone else, I have placed a link on the site for past "pathways" so that while they aren't on the blog anymore, you can always still find them.

Hope these are beneficial!

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