Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Al Rescate Amigos, To the Rescue My Friends"

Go Diego Go! Or should I say "Go Daddy Go"

First, can you tell I've been to my parents house the last 2 weekends in a row? Out of the last 15 days, I've been gone 9 of them. Ugh. It always takes me a while to recoup from those trips and so I have a LOT to catch you up on.

Speaking of catching....

We went back to my parents the weekend of the 18th to look at houses. Upon unloading the truck, I immediately went to the fridge to get some water. .... and I heard a strange scratching/clawing noise coming from the room we call the "furnace room" (It obviously contains the furnace, but is where we come in and hang our coats, take off our shoes, etc.)

Anyway, I hear this strange noise and cautiously creep to the room, afraid of what I'd find. "scratch scratch... scratch a scratch" Holy mackerel. My ears weren't playing tricks on me. The noise was real and coming from the furnace pipes. Immediately my imagination kicks into over-drive: "Could it be one of those stinkin' barn cats that hangs around here?"

Just then, John peaks his head in the house and yells for the keys. I yell up to him "Um, hun, can you come down here? I need you!" Now, mom was in the other room playing with the kids and I did not want to disturb them or alert them to the situation..... the situation being a wild beast in the house!

John came down and I filled him in. In short order, he heard the sound too. "Is it a mouse?" he said. We both knew that that noise was coming from something much larger than a little mouse. With his trained ear, John was able to pinpoint the beast's location pretty well. "It's right there!"

There is a little pivoting hatch on the pipe near the beast's determined locale. I grab a broom and John rigs it so I can keep the door open using the broom handle. He alerts my mother and looks for the flashlight. "Hey, how did I get the job holding the door for the beast?!!" There John is, 15 feet away, on tip-toe, peering into the hole with the flashlight. There I am, feeling super vulnerable, 4 ft from the pipe, on tip-toe, arms in the air... I don't know, but I was way too close for comfort if you ask me.

Right about this point, the beast starts scratching furiously and puffs of soot exude from the hatch door. He's trying to get himself up the pipe! I'm totally about ready to pee my pants now. Then, I said, "maybe it's a duck."
"A duck?" he said, doubtfully. "Why would a duck be in there?"
About a minute later, John sees the beast cross in front of the hatch.... "It's a duck!" "It's a duck?" I say. "Well, a duck or a big huge rat" he says "I'm not sure."

We prop the hatch open (without my skills being required) and shut the furnace room doors. We talk with my mom who recalls them finding ducks in my gram's chimney before. She also mentions the layout of the duct system and the clean-out located under the deck. John remembers he has left Jazzy outside and goes to get her.

Five minutes later, John enters the house with this:

A soot covered female duck! He brought her right into the house for all of us to see.

He said that he first checked up on the roof and then went under the deck. He found the clean-out, opened the door and there she was, facing out.... almost like she was just waiting for him. Of course, when she focused on him, she turned to run back into the duct. Luckily he caught her.

After having the chance to pet her, we all went outside to release the duck .... in the yard I thought.... Nope. Not John. He and his trusty companion walked clear down to the bridge, climbed the guard rail, carefully descended the bank, and placed the little duck gently into the water. Duckie gave herself a quick bath, dunking her head in the stream, and glided off - none the worse for wear.

Once again, Daddy, the Animal Rescuer, saves the day!

PS For you animal aficionados, we are guessing that she was a female wood duck. With all the soot, it really was hard to tell. Since wood ducks build nests in tree holes and not on the ground, we assume she was looking to make a nest in mom and dad's chimney when she took a wrong turn... straight down.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Movie Stars?

Let's see if this works. If so, it will be the first time I have been able to post video on my blog! I am kind-of technologically challenged so this could be a bust.

If not, this is just some random video of the girls jumping around on my bed and being silly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Eggstravaganza

We colored eggs on Saturday. Nat had been waiting and waiting. (She has already asked when we are coloring eggs again. "Next year?! But that will be so long, I know it will.") Jules was super enthused to participate this year and actually did a pretty good job of leaving them in the dye. On the other hand, she was a little over zealous to crack the eggs. She was really stressing Nat and me out because she kept cracking them before they were colored. Daddy saved the day. "Julsie, you have to be careful with the eggs, like they are babies." Immediately, Jules and Nat held eggs in their hands and rocked and snuggled them to their faces like little babies.

Daddy and I each had one egg to dye. I did mine in a star-burst pattern with white, yellow and orange (used tape.) Luckily Daddy has a wife who remembers her art classes and could produce a perfect brown for his egg. Brown? Along with green, he made a beautiful camo egg. Yes, nothing says "spring" like camo.

As was tradition in the Graham house, the girls hid their baskets for the Easter Bunny to find. (The bunny fills them and hides them in a new spot.) Here is a pic of Nat hiding her's in the shoe closet. Apparently Jules thought that was a pretty great idea and decided to hide her's there too.

Although Daddy wasn't home when we all woke up that morning (he wasn't home yet from work), there was no stopping the finding fun. The bunny had been there! Before I went to bed, I set out presents from us and Nana and Pop pop too. N&P sent (for each) an Easter dress, another outfit and candy! (mmm including that yummy chocolate peanut butter egg made by Sugar Lake Church.)

Making Madness

We began our Easter festivities bright and early on Friday morning. We headed over to the Hershey Outlets for their annual egg hunt/grab. When we got there, the place was so packed that we struggled to find a parking spot finally finding one behind the outlets in a semi-construction zone. After hustling the girls through the mess of people, we arrived at the "scene" just as they were yelling "go." We hustled to Nat's age group and luckily, a friend yelled to us and we got Nat wormed in beside another mom friend. It was crazy. It was madness. For those of you who've been to the spillway in Linesville, it was like that, but instead of carp, it was 4 and 5 year olds. Candy was flying, parents were yelling and holding their cameras above the crowd to take pics of the mayhem. Being late combined with Nat's mild temperament, she was out of luck when it came to the candy dept. I mean really out of luck. She didn't even get one piece... until our sweet friend gave each of the girls a lollipop from her bag. =) Hmm. A little sacrificial giving -- It may be Easter after all.

Later, we had our friends, K & K over to make and decorate some cut-out cookies. Here are the cuties with some of their creations. Much of the icing was simply licked from the tops of cookies and we made a big mess, but had a good time. The mess is half the fun, right? At least it is in our house. Poor little K kept saying "Messy... Messy."

John tried one and said it was the best sugar cookie he has ever eaten!!!! I got the recipe from my friend's blog..... The Gourmet Mom herself! Inspired by her valentine cookies, I experimented with Royal Icing (after the kids were in bed.) For my first try, I think they turned out ok. Not professional, but I learned a lot.

Can anyone tell me where my healthy eating trend got off course?

Isn't it Ironic

That I just blogged about how we were doing pretty well with our healthy eating and going to the gym and from Saturday through Monday I crashed and burned!!!! Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right?

Was it the cookies (next post)? the super yummy creamy and sweet peanut butter eggs.... from a church down the road from my parent's house... that I haven't had in years. mmmm mmmmm
What was I saying?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Still Shopping for Deals

Let's see.... This week I got boxes of Shredded Wheat for $0.20 per box, free rice cakes, 3 cans of dole pineapple for $1 and Kraft Salad Dressing for $0.17 per bottle.

I got 4 John Frieda hair care items (shampoo etc.), 2 mentos gums, and 24 ct Sudafed for $1.31.

Here are is a great coupon to be used at any Rite Aid now through 4/30/09. $5 off any $25 purchase (combine that with manufacturer coupons and rebates to get great deals). Click here and you can print out as many coupons as you'd like.

Gym Update

Since John can't lift super heavy right now anyway, he suggested we work out together a few weeks ago. I thought it was just a one-time thing, but the next day, when child care wasn't available and I couldn't go, he said, "oh. I was kind-a looking forward to lifting with my new lifting partner." I was so touched! Seriously.

Ever since, whenever we can swing-it, we try to go together. We are both also trying to eat better and are supporting each other in it. We've been eating pretty well for 2.5 weeks now. We're eating every 3 hours, lots of lean protein with each meal, no/little processed carbs, simple carbs only after work-outs. We've had "cheats" once each week.

We took "before" pictures of John right at the beginning. I made him take "before" pictures of me 2 nights ago. I wanted to hurry and get mine taken before I got all "fit." Yeah. I definitely did not wait too long. Yuck! John said the pics look way worse than real life, "That's not what I see," he said. I said, "Yeah, but that's because you love me." =)

Oh well. I think I just need to get used to the idea that my body will never look exactly like it did before I had kids. Not that it won't look fine, but just that it will be different. Ok. Now I'm going to read my previous post about giving ourselves a break.

Oh!!! One major benefit of working out more: I had to run the other day so I could get out of the rain.... and I wasn't winded!!!!! I was THRILLED. I used to be short of breath after only a few yards. I was so happy. That is my main goal in all this good eating/exercising - to live a healthier, longer life and to be able to get strong enough to handle my own weight (you know, in case I'm ever in some Rambo-esque survival situation and need to scale fences, pull myself up a jungle vine, etc. You know... I'm sure you think about stuff like that too. ;)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is Full of Teaching Opportunities: Today - Anatomy

- As Julia is getting her jammies on -

Jules (pointing to her chest): boob
Mom: Yep, that's your booby
Nat: (quickly turning from what she was doing) Jules has boobs!?!?
Mom: Yeah, so do you.
(she pulls down the neck of her jammies to see)
Mom: See that little dot? That's your boob.
Nat: (quizzical look)
Mom: Eventually they grow.
Nat: And grow and grow and grow and grow??
Mom: Yep (really thinking: well, if you're anything like me, probably just grow, not grow and grow=)
Nat: They'll grow and grow until I have milk in my body?
Mom: Yep, when you have a baby you'll get milk in your body
Nat (with enthusiasm/awe): And I'm going to feed my babies all the time.....
Mom: uh huh
Nat: and I'll never ever put milk in a cup.
Mom: Pretty cool, huh. And did you know, only girls can do that. Only girls can have babies in their belly and only girls can feed babies - Boys can't.
Nat: but boys can suck
Mom: yes, baby boys can drink milk .... Okay!! who's ready to brush teeth?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Black Lab, Black-top

I've been avoiding this post....

Jazzy got hit by a car. I know. I know. Let the criticism roll. "What" "How could you!" "Didn't your other..."
I know!

I am telling you. We are NOT terrible owners! I swear.

Instead of leaving Jazzy in Harrisburg with friends, or at home with Nana and Pop-pop, we took her with us to the SRU show. She hung out in the large, capped bed of our truck with her fluffy bed. During the break between pre-judging and the night show, John parked at the end of a long empty parking lot, beside a pond. He took out a ball and threw it for her to run her a little. (I stayed in the truck, out of the damp weather, and did Sudoku).

I heard a short, high-pitched noise. I thought it was Jaz and John at the back of the truck. When I didn't hear any corresponding opening of the tailgate, I looked up. Jazzy was sitting alone by the pond and John was about 20 yards ahead of her. A silver car pulled up to John and stopped to talk to him. ... I thought maybe John knew the person but John looked up at me, he gave me a "look." I knew something was wrong. I put my head down, trying to avoid the situation - whatever it was - and continued Sudoku.

When John and Jazzy came to the truck he informed me she had been hit by that silver car. The short high-pitched noise I had heard was the car's brakes. Ugh. John had checked the road, hadn't seen any cars, commanded Jaz to sit, and crossed into the parking lot to a garbage can about 15 ft away from her. In that time, the car had come down the lot and Jaz stepped right out in from of it.

We immediately brought her into the cap, checked her out and headed to the store. John was going to go to the grocery store, but I said "NO!! Pull into Rite Aid... I have a gift card." We got saline wash, gauze, tape, and neosporin.... $20 worth of stuff and we paid $0.00 out of pocket! Impressive, I know!

Ok, so back to Jaz. She was still able to walk around well, but was shaken. Her leg was scraped up on the right side, but her left side really suffered some damage. There was a clean, scalpel-like cut from her "ankle" to her "knee." Luckily no muscle or tendon was damaged and there wasn't much blood. It was just her skin..... but it totally looked like it looks when you are skinning deer. Gross. We could have put our fingers inside her skin and wrapped them around her whole internal leg.

Anyway... John took her to the vet when he got back home and they gave her stitches. The vet complimented our emergency wound care and Jaz is doing great. Yesterday John and I removed her stitches without incident.

I have been dreading this confession, but there it is.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mr SRU 2009

I remember John coming home and telling me about lots and lots of kids that came through the weight room at AAAA North Hills High School -many of whom we really just loved and if I highlighted each, this post would be a mile long. He talked about crazy strength, awesome natural talent in their sport, excellent work ethic, but only once did he say "If he really wanted to be, (ie works hard enough), he could be an amazing body builder."

Who is the "he" John was talking about? None other than Mr. SRU 2009, Dave Turk. (Oh, and let me add another title which he earned the week after his SRU win - NPC Natural Ohio Junior Champion=)

Sunday, March 29, eleven years after John competed in the same show, Turk won the SRU Heavy-weight division, the Open Heavy-weight division, the Mr. SRU overall and Open overall titles. Amazing job Turk.

John has known Turk since 2001 or 2002 and they have a special little bond. We were so proud and so happy to be there to watch him. He looked amazing, is 100% NATURAL (unlike some of the other contestants), is a hardworker, and an all-around good kid.
Congratulations Turk! Can't wait to see you do the next one! We are very proud of you.
PS the cute girl in the pic is Turk's girlfriend, Colleen. She did the 17 week strict diet along with Turk and lost 35-40 lbs to do the show. She worked VERY hard and looks great. I know Turk was super proud of her too.

3 Police Officers Killed in Pittsburgh

I really don't even know what to say about this. It really "hit home" for me on multiple levels. We spent the first 5 years of our marriage in Pgh and it is still "home" for me. That, coupled with John's occupation... well, I just can't tell you how devastated I am for the Kelly, Sciullo and Mayhle families. Nothing I could say here can begin....

Please pray for these families and for all your law enforcement personnel who literally put their lives in danger each and every day - not for thrills, not for glory, but simply to try to help others.

UPDATE: John just forwarded this to me:
A memorial fund has been established to benefit the families of fallen Pittsburgh City Police Officers Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle, and Paul Sciullo II, who were lost their lives in the line of duty on April 4, 2009. Those who wish to contribute may do so at the following address:

Pittsburgh Fallen Heroes Fund
Greater Pittsburgh Police Federal Credit Union
1338 Chartiers Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Telephone Number: 412-922-4800
E-Mail Address:

Donated money may be designated “For the Children," "College Fund," or “Widows," etc.