Saturday, July 4, 2009

Poopy, Puppy

As the trip got underway, Nat was having problems with her underwear. More specifically, she was having bowel issues resulting in trouble with her underwear. (Good thing I packed plenty
for her... and hey, it happens to lots of people when they are on vacation... different food, new surroundings). I know, TMI, but this next part is cute.
So, we were in the bathroom stall at a restaurant for the third time that night. In her dramatic, yet despondent style, "I've had it with this.... I've NEVER had a life like this."

The girls loved swimming in the pool with their new water rings. Both girls are getting more comfortable in the water and both thought they could swim. Jules was so convinced, that while I stood 6 inches away, helping Nat, she stepped right off of the second step and was submerged.
Nat was "swimming" much better. We held onto her bathing suit and helped her go, practicing some "doggy paddling." Jules, wanting to be just like her sister, would "doggy paddle" too. While in her ring, she would begin to kick her legs hard, stick out her tongue and pant. "heh heh heh"

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love reading your posts and knowing that I'm not hearing some of the stories for the first time...we actually got caught up the other night and it was great chatting. Thanks for hanging out and count on it happening a ton the next few weeks. I love all the bloopers and am glad you guys had such a great trip.