Friday, July 3, 2009

(Accidental) Pun Fun

We got a GPS just before we left. We desperately need it. I shamefully admit that EVERY time we drive back to NW PA we take a wrong turn around St. College. I know. We've made the trip 100 times and it's amazing we still mess it up =) Anyway, this was the GPS's maiden voyage and we were just getting used to it.
Wait 2 questions for you:
1. Does anyone know if you can blow up a GPS by making it re-calculate every nanosecond (flipping U-eys, circling gas pumps, and in parking lots and such)?
2. Does anyone else call it a "She"? because I totally do and John made fun of me for it.... then he called it a she =)

But I digress - back to business
At one point, near the end of vacation, Ms. GPS came out with a novel phrase (to us): "Turn Right Sharply." John and I both looked at each other. "That's funny," I said, "I haven't heard her say that one before." Then imitating Ms. G, "turn right sharply." Natalie chimed in, "haha that is funny. She must have thought we were shopping for pencils."

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