Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Tiny Tannenbaum

Here are a few pictures of us hunting for our Christmas tree. John thought we should go cut our own tree this year, but with everyone's sickness and it already being so late in the year, we just went to a couple stands.

Natalie kept saying she wanted a little tree. I guess she wanted a REALLY little tree. She looked at me, held this piece up and said excitedly, "I found one!" Daddy pulled one out of the line-up here to seek her approval. It was about 7, 7.5 feet tall. "What about this one Nat?" As if she thought he was crazy, she said, "What in the world!"

All the trees at the first stand were pretty tall (and a little expensive), so we decided to head down the street. We went to the Lions' stand. It had a wonderful selection of trees, organized by type. In addition to the monsters, there were plenty of small trees too! They were so nice there and gave us coloring books and candy canes for the kids and special tabs to keep the tree fresh!
And here she is:

the beautiful little tree we came home with (picked out by John and Natty). John and I think its the best tree we ever had =)

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