Saturday, December 13, 2008


I know, I know. How can I possibly expect people to read this blog unless I provide new material on a somewhat regular basis. Here are my excuses. Choose the one you'll sympathize with most.

1. We were at my parents' for a week (until 12/2)! We came home off schedule, facing laundry and an empty refrigerator. I am still recuperating.

2. The six (6) pieces of pie I ate on Thanksgiving DAY left me in a pie-induced coma from which I just awoke.

3. Mom gave me a cold, I gave it to Jules, and finally someone gave it to John. I don't know who is the biggest baby..., me or John.

4. John became addicted to his nasal spray and just returned from a stint in rehab.

5. I am so far behind on the blog that my old avoidance/procrastination mechanism kicked in

6. In case you didn't know, Christmas is coming!!!! (Toys to buy, gifts to make, a whole two bedroom apt to decorate!)

7. I left them. Left them all. I'm writing to you from an internet cafe' Buenos Aires.

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