Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just Another Day at the O'Days

To tell you the truth, we really don't do much. We don't go to the movies, don't go out to eat, don't have people over. We just hang out, go on deal finding trips, library, preschool... that's it. But here are some pics of what you may come across when you come to our house:

Dress-up time! Oh, and no privacy.

Dance Time! Lately, the girls have LOVED dancing to the "Sounds of the Season" channel. Daddy can only sit out until Nat says the magic words, "Daddy! come dance with your girls."

Jungle Gym time! I mean, Jungle Daddy time! The poor man can't sit on the carpet for two seconds without being accosted by the girls... all of them (even Jaz).

But I don't know, looks like he doesn't mind too much. Whada you think?

1 comment:

Hansen Family said...

Love the tree:) Even the little one:)