Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pick a Name, Any Name

A few months ago, Nat decided to give Jazzy a nickname. Apparently, Jaz and Jazzy are not nickname-y enough. Nat's first nickname for Jaz was "Tudor." That name stuck for a little while until I think she got mad at Jaz. Then we went back to Jazzy. Later we got Ariel and then Buddy. Two weeks ago was Bones and then she said to me, "I don't think I want to call my dog Bones anymore." "You don't?" I said, "what would you like to call her." In a very sweet, low, slow and serious voice, she said "I have a name for a big dog that I love, and that's Tudor." "Okay then," I said, "we can call her Tudor."

Today I noticed we were back to Buddy. Jaz was in the girls' room and Nat shouted, "Out Buddy out!" After screaming for a while and no reaction from Jaz, Natalie said, "I don't think she knows her name is Buddy."

12/20: We came home from our Christmas festivities with my in-laws and Nat called Jaz "Crumbs." Where she got that, I'll never know. It has stuck for a while now. I kind-a like it.

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