Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Mad Gasper

Some kids do this thing - when they get excited or see something they like, they open their mouth wide. Some even gasp. Right now Julsie is into this phase where she does an extended gasp..... like 6 seconds worth.... as long as the wind in her little lungs can possibly do it. Tob called her "the mad gasper." Very endearing.

Here is a goofy pic of the end of one of her gasps. She's got a Cinderella skirt on her head and duck outfit on too.
Can you tell she's really into dress-up now? While we're at it I'll show you this pic. I went to the store and came back to get Julsie up from her nap looking like this:

Apparently Tob just put her to bed with all this stuff on - pj's, 2 dress-up outfits, and a bathrobe with a stuffed duck in the hood (that was courtesy of her sister).
She is CONSTANTLY asking for us to help put princess outfits on her and she walks around in these dress-up heels all day. In these shoes, don't her little fat, square feet look like Miss Piggy's feet? Dont' they? Ha! I laugh just looking at her.

Oh, and why are all these pictures so close-up? Because she sees me with the camera, yells "cheeeeee" and runs toward me. Then she says, "see, see" so she can see herself in the camera's viewer. See her in this one? She's got my chin! Poor thing.

Look for more info on Julsie to come! PS none of these are really flattering pics of her, but they will have to do.

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