Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rags to Riches

It all began on a beautiful fall day in Hershey, PA. The family went on a tour of a local farmers market with Natalie's preschool group. While there, John learned of the versatility of the, oftentimes overlooked, gourd. And we all know, when John hears an interesting idea he HAS to try it.

And so, the process began. Once the perfect gourd was procured - it sat. It sat and sat and sat in our outdoor closet. It sat all winter. It was busy though, growing a gnarly film of mold over it's entire surface. Finally, this Spring, John removed it from it's hibernating spot, wiped away the velvety cover, scrubbed it smooth with some steel wool and then soaked it in a bleach solution. Next, he drilled some holes (after researching the appropriate size), primed it, painted it with 3 coats of paint and 3 coats clear coat and added embellishment.

OH! And what is this latest project? A bird house fashioned after a Hershey's Kiss of course - a sort of souvenir from our time here in Chocolate Town.


[AnnieR] said...

You guys could make a hefty mint off of these things. And I'm not referring to Peppermint Patties. Har-har-har. (eye roll)

Cheryl said...

you've gotta be kidding me! How cool and I am way impressed. So, how much would one of these cost me? I've gotta come see this in person.