Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Little Troopers

I know. Finally. I have some pictures uploaded.

For whatever reason, John has taught the girls the correct way to salute. Maybe it's because we're always jokingly saluting each other. You see, when either John or I get too big for our britches, the other salutes him/her, usually with a big goofy smile. (I always do a wrist-flourish accompanied by a zerbert/raspberry sound. Any tension that may have been felt is quickly washed away. Zerberts will do that.)

Anyway, both girls can now salute. I really wish I had a video of this. Jules puts her right and up to the proper position, then whips it down to her side with such a fervor. ..... Then, she tips her head back and laughs hysterically - so do we.

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