Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Love Preschool!

Here are some pictures of our Valentine's party at preschool on 2/13. We read some stories about love, played a heart-hunt game where the girls had to find hearts hidden around the house BUT they could only pick up the hearts with their initial on them.
Next, we worked on a special project for each child to give to someone they love. They glued conversation hearts on a picture frame then put hand prints on card stock inside a heart shape. Here are some pics of the girls working on them and some pics of the finished products. (Well, my girls' finished products. Everyone else's are a nice light pink, which I preferred as I felt it matched the hearts better. Nat preferred the bright hot pink and insisted on painting hers and Julia's that color. I figured that it was HER project for HER daddy... so I let her go to town. ) As you can see, Nat would rather not be bothered with pics..... she's got a job to do.
Then, the girls enjoyed some Valentine decorated donuts. You know MY girls love donuts, so I thought it would be a good treat and accepted by moms for this special occasion. I will say, there were some comments on how rapidly and how efficiently Nat ate HER donut.

Finally, they exchanged Valentine's with each other and posed for a final picture.

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