Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Irresistible Juji Fruit

Jules is getting cuter and funnier every day. John said that she was "irresistible today." Here are a few updates on our little JJ.

1. She LOVES to be naked. If not constrained by a onesie, she will even take her diaper off. The other morning, she came out, pulled up her shirt, pounded on her belly and said, "Nake! Nake!" (Meaning she wanted help getting naked.) After a bath, she insists on running out to the living room to show off her little naked self to daddy. She does a little dance, squeals with delight, pounds on her belly, looks at herself and laughs.

2. She can now say many many words, but most of them are one syllable - even if they aren't supposed to be. For example
nake = naked buck = buckle pock = pocket

Hmmm, what are some of her other words.... hock (sock), make, hand, milk, more, peas (please), Nat, dog, deer, book, seat, baby, blankie, no (no, nose, snow, know, I don't know), sheah, (yes/yeah), puppy, pony, rella (cinderella, princess, I'm going to go get my princess dress, help me put on my princess dress)

3. She prays so nicely! She bows her head and folds her hands just perfectly. She even says "Ahhhh -Meee" at the end (Amen).

The other night, we were praying for dinner and Nat was taking an especially long time with her portion of the meal-time prayer. Jules was in her sweet little prayer position. Part way through, John kicked me under the table and motioned toward JJ. As I peaked, she slowly opened her eyes ever so slightly and checked to see that her dad and I were not looking. Then, she kept her left hand and head in the prayer position and slowly reached her right hand over to grab a couple Fritos and she popped them into her mouth. Apparently she just couldn't resist! John and I did all we could to keep from laughing, but once Nat said "Amen," Jules let out a huge "crunch" and we lost it!

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