Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here are a couple ways we let people know that we love them this year. We sent out some homemade Valentine's to Grammas and Grandpas and our neighbors. On the left is a pic of some of them. On the back of each card is a hand-print of each girl with their name and date.
On the right hand side is a photo of the mobile Natalie and I made for Daddy. Double click on the photo to see it better, but here is what it says. Across the top, it says "I love it when we..." Then, in the hearts at the bottom, I wrote 5 things Natalie said she loved to do with Daddy.
I had to do a lot of the cutting and tying work, but I love it because of what Nat said: I love it when we..... "Play" "Cuddle" "Wrestle" "Walk on the sidewalk with Jazzy and walk up hills and up mountains" and what was the FIRST thing she said she liked to do with Daddy? "Watch Cops" =)

1 comment:

[AnnieR] said...

Watching COPS? That's my kind of girl! ;)