Sunday, October 19, 2008

What have we been up to?

Here are some random pics of what we've been doing lately (besides John being on a long working stint and the girls and I suffering from a cold)

Here are John's Fall decorations:
We will add Jack-O-Lanterns to the chairs closer to Halloween. This pic was taken when we first did it. It looks almost the same today, except we are missing a few gourds. Apparently they are Jazzy's favorite vegetables.

No, this was not dress rehearsal for Halloween, Nat just enjoys dressing up. She decided she wanted to go outside to play with the dog and me, but as you can see, she didn't want to de-lion.

We made some homemade play dough about 2 weeks ago. Since we've been couped up, sick, we've been making a lot of homemade stuff lately. (Yesterday I made a homemade kite out of paper and bamboo skewers.) I've made a total of 5 batches now 2 plain, pink, purple and yellow. Here is Nat's own original creation:
First, it was a sailboat. Now she calls it a castle. Either way, momma calls it a masterpiece. It is still drying out, sitting in our china cupboard.

Oh, and John picked a bunch of apples from his sister's house and I made 2 big batches of apple sauce.

1 comment:

Hansen Family said...

Very creative!!! Cute ideas.