Monday, July 14, 2008

"Nobody knows..."

Lately, my kids have met or seen quite a few of our old friends who really don't see them often. Every time one of these situations comes up, I find myself desperately wanting my friends to see how neat my kids are. I want Nat to tell all her funny jokes, sing, dance, have her hair combed, be her sweet little self. I want Julsie to have a great day, no fussing, just smiling, laughing, kissing and being adorable.
But inevitably, when these situations arise it always seems that Jules is getting teeth or a cold or is constipated; that Nat has decided not to talk at all, or is having major issues with her nose, or completely trashes her hair and refuses to let me comb it again (probably because I already tortured her trying to get it to look nice)
Then I realized something. No matter how hard I try or how much I want these friends to see how great, amazing, wonderful, sweet, funny, and cool my kids are - they can't. It's just not possible. There is no way anyone else in the world can have that special relationship we have that allows them to be truly themselves with me. No one in the world can ever feel the way I feel when I snuzzle that sleeping child in my arms; the sense of complete and utter bliss, the deep and pure love that fully envelopes me while I'm looking at this little miracle that is a perfect blend of me and the man I love most.
No matter how hard I try, none of my friends ever CAN know how amazing my kids are.... and you know what, I'm kind-a glad about that.

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