Sunday, July 20, 2008

Accidentally assuaged

Like most kids, one of the girls' favorite things to do is to get into drawers and pull out the contents. "Hey, this looks like a treasure!" Well today, Jules pulled the drawer open and accidentally bonked Nat in the noggin. Of course, we get the immediate, "Mom, she hit me in the head with that." (Which is, I have to say, better than the immediate push, slap, or rough grab that we were getting frequently.) I try to explain that it was an accident but as I mentioned in the previous post, I'm not so sure Nat understands that concept. Then I tell Juslie, more for Nat's benefit than hers, that she needs to be careful and ask, "can you tell Nat you're sorry?" To my surprise, Julsie starts scooting over to Nat! "Go ahead, give her a hug." .... and she did! I was thrilled!!!! 1. because, it was the first time I 100% KNOW that she understood something I said and 2. because she is learning to be nice! Phew, what a relief!!!! .... and it was just too adorable.

1 comment:

Hansen Family said...

I love it when kids show that they do understand what we are saying:)