Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Making Madness

We began our Easter festivities bright and early on Friday morning. We headed over to the Hershey Outlets for their annual egg hunt/grab. When we got there, the place was so packed that we struggled to find a parking spot finally finding one behind the outlets in a semi-construction zone. After hustling the girls through the mess of people, we arrived at the "scene" just as they were yelling "go." We hustled to Nat's age group and luckily, a friend yelled to us and we got Nat wormed in beside another mom friend. It was crazy. It was madness. For those of you who've been to the spillway in Linesville, it was like that, but instead of carp, it was 4 and 5 year olds. Candy was flying, parents were yelling and holding their cameras above the crowd to take pics of the mayhem. Being late combined with Nat's mild temperament, she was out of luck when it came to the candy dept. I mean really out of luck. She didn't even get one piece... until our sweet friend gave each of the girls a lollipop from her bag. =) Hmm. A little sacrificial giving -- It may be Easter after all.

Later, we had our friends, K & K over to make and decorate some cut-out cookies. Here are the cuties with some of their creations. Much of the icing was simply licked from the tops of cookies and we made a big mess, but had a good time. The mess is half the fun, right? At least it is in our house. Poor little K kept saying "Messy... Messy."

John tried one and said it was the best sugar cookie he has ever eaten!!!! I got the recipe from my friend's blog..... The Gourmet Mom herself! Inspired by her valentine cookies, I experimented with Royal Icing (after the kids were in bed.) For my first try, I think they turned out ok. Not professional, but I learned a lot.

Can anyone tell me where my healthy eating trend got off course?

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