Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Eggstravaganza

We colored eggs on Saturday. Nat had been waiting and waiting. (She has already asked when we are coloring eggs again. "Next year?! But that will be so long, I know it will.") Jules was super enthused to participate this year and actually did a pretty good job of leaving them in the dye. On the other hand, she was a little over zealous to crack the eggs. She was really stressing Nat and me out because she kept cracking them before they were colored. Daddy saved the day. "Julsie, you have to be careful with the eggs, like they are babies." Immediately, Jules and Nat held eggs in their hands and rocked and snuggled them to their faces like little babies.

Daddy and I each had one egg to dye. I did mine in a star-burst pattern with white, yellow and orange (used tape.) Luckily Daddy has a wife who remembers her art classes and could produce a perfect brown for his egg. Brown? Along with green, he made a beautiful camo egg. Yes, nothing says "spring" like camo.

As was tradition in the Graham house, the girls hid their baskets for the Easter Bunny to find. (The bunny fills them and hides them in a new spot.) Here is a pic of Nat hiding her's in the shoe closet. Apparently Jules thought that was a pretty great idea and decided to hide her's there too.

Although Daddy wasn't home when we all woke up that morning (he wasn't home yet from work), there was no stopping the finding fun. The bunny had been there! Before I went to bed, I set out presents from us and Nana and Pop pop too. N&P sent (for each) an Easter dress, another outfit and candy! (mmm including that yummy chocolate peanut butter egg made by Sugar Lake Church.)

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