Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 1 and Week 2

Here are some pics of Bailey at week 1 and at week 2. When I look at those bags under her eyes, I think of an old saying my Gram used to say, "I's born tired and never got rest." =)

WEEK 1 (above)
WEEK 2 (below)
Bay is officially a second shift-er (like her dad and sisters). I need to get her on "day-lights." Just like when she was in the womb, when she began dancing a jig right around 10:30 pm, she is her most wide-eyed right when I want to go to bed. No more mister nice-mom. She's had 2 weeks, now it's my turn. I've got to Baby-wise her little bum into shape. One GIANT praise - neither of the other 2 girls wake up when baby does.

Week 3, here we come. Oh my goodness, week 3? Then 4 - yuck. Too fast already.