Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bailey's Story - The Opening Act

Let's start where my facebook post left off: April 6, 4 cm, 80% effaced and contracting. Sounded good, but …. Well, it fooled me, the doctor, and John, who was even prompted to finally set up the crib. (I’m not sure if the procrastination was because he was busy, complacent with #3, or he knew it was driving my mom batty.)
After 2 more visits with the doctor, an afternoon of helping John outside (trying to get something going) and still NO progress, I was starting to feel like this baby was never coming. However, we scheduled induction for Friday. Then L&D moved it to Thursday evening. Instead, I received a call at 7:30am Thursday asking if we could come in ... now? I told the nurse it would take me a couple hours to get everyone ready, but okay (let's get this over with!)
I got up, showered, and got the kids dressed. After no movement from my room, yet trying to be patient, I finally said to my narcoleptic husband, "Tob, are you trying to make me mad right before I go in to deliver a baby ooorrr..." Whatever, he got ready (mixing a shake for breakfast, knowing better than to ask for eggs) and finally got going. Then, he drove 40 mph on our road. FORTY! It took all I had to keep my mouth shut and try to be rational. Maybe I was a teeny bit anxious.
After meeting my mom to hand over our big girls, we waited unnecessarily in Registration, where John informed he did NOT want anyone yelling “It’s a ____!” He wanted to see it for himself first. (I was sure to put all staff on notice =) I was just praying no one in the waiting area was contagious. Finally we got upstairs and settled in the room with our lovely nurse, Trish who was super nice and is into fitness, so small talk was no problem.

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