Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Parties 3 and 4

Here are a couple pics from the party we had later Thursday evening with Daddy. Once again, we opened presents, sang Happy Birthday (4th time), and ate more cupcakes. Natalie even got a present for being a great big sister - a Tinkerbell jewelry/treasure box. Very cool.
Then on Friday, her actual birthday, we headed up to Nana and Pop-pop's. [we had to stop about an hour after we started because I was completely falling asleep. I think it was partly due to the sunlight. I got an iced coffee at McD's and the girls got (free) ice cream cones. We played outside at the PlayPlace as it was a gorgeous day and I was hoping the caffeine would start working. Then, we sat parked on I-80 in construction induced traffic for a while, finally getting up to 40 mph -ugh! I just wanted to make it home for dinner!]
When we finally got in, we had another little party for JJ. We sang before the presents (5th time) and also again before we ate the birthday cake (6th time). Here is a video from us singing. =) Does she enjoy being the birthday girl???

WARNING: This may be hazardous to sensitive ear drums.

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