Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Foreshadow of a Fatality"

Alternatively titled: "Better than a Butterball"

Now, those of you who know John, know that he has always been a very motivated and disciplined person. He succeeds in life and in reaching his goals by harnessing his inner drive and using proven techniques. In addition to his persistance (which is how he obtained both his lovely wife and his fulfilling job), he uses visualization and planning. He has always been a strong believer in writing down your objectives and goals, reviewing them, and assessing your progress. Just ask his personal training clients and students

Case in point: About 6 weeks ago, Toby wrote the ominous message you see here (see the 28th) on our April calendar. Oh, not the "8pm - 6am OT"..... the "I Kill Turkey!" part.

As you can see by the pictures below, including the date-stamp. I think he can check this "goal" of his list as "completed."


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