Saturday, April 5, 2008

So what about the girls?

As you can see from the picture, Nat is pretty much fine on her own. I just leave her a peanut butter sandwich for herself and a bottle for Jules.

No, daddy stays home with them. They have a good time. He gives them baths, snuggles, reads stories, and disciplines ("with an iron fist" adds Tob... psh). Nat LOVES feeding Jules the bottle and I cook for them before I leave. I'd just feel guilty if I totally let them fend for themselves. (reading over my shoulder, John says "I just don't know WHAT I'd do hun." I know =)

So all has been pretty uneventful for them thus far.... well, except for the night Jules bawled her head off and tonight when the Heimlich maneuver was employed. Apparently Jules thought she was a piggy bank. All is fine. Don't call CYS. John is a trained professional. He did save an old lady's life one day after all =) hahaha

As it was with Nat (Nat both waved and walked for the first time on occasions when mommy was gone) , Jules is doing all of her "new" stuff when daddy is home alone with them. Apparently she said, "bird, dog, cat" and other words tonight. It's either they love him more .... or he's full of pooh =) You make the call.

1 comment:

Hansen Family said...

Cute Heather. Have to love the hubbies:)