Thursday, September 25, 2008

My new Political Blog

(names have been changed to protect... well, me =)
Picture it: Homecoming 1995. We were all anxiously awaiting the announcement of King and Queen. As I stood on that field on that dreary day, right beside the boy who would later be announced king, all I could think of WASN'T "Please let me win." It was "Please don't let it be 'Donna.' Please don't let it be 'Donna.'"
Why single out 'Donna'? I mean, one of the other girls would have surely broken down into a nauseating emotional outburst post her coronation (and the rest of us would have been forced to feign concern and support while we were all really thinking "c-ra-zy!") Another's head would have swelled to astronomical proportions and she would have been a complete bear to live with... to this very day! But why was it 'Donna' who I was hoping wouldn't win? Well, my "friend" 'Donna' was just plain mean to me. She may not have been very talkative to most people, but when she DID talk to ME, she was condescending and demeaning. She'd frequently give me (and another 'friend of ours') her patented eye-roll and corresponding "ugh" as if to say, "how lame can you be, loser?"
Did I have anything to worry about though? 'Donna' wasn't the most athletic or the most confident nor was she historically the most popular. In fact, she had never been nominated for a 'court' before. She was smart and skinny and moderately pretty (more so from afar.) But mostly, she was a dark horse. She was a CHANGE from the 4 to 5 girls who were consistently voted to 'courts.' (No, I'm not going to tell you if she won or not, don't want to reveal identities.)
I'm worried that this is what is happening in the present election cycle. No, not that John or Barrack are going to make me feel stupid, but that people may see a skinny and moderately handsome (more so from afar) candidate who seems to be a change from the barren white wasteland of Washington politics and vote for him without really knowing him.... just like what happened with 'Donna.'
Back in '95, in the aftermath of that Saturday in October, I wished people would have known what I knew about 'Donna's' personality. In the case of this election, I just don't want to have that feeling again. I want people to know what I know about these choices.

This new blog is

I'm thinking this could get me in a lot of trouble with friends and acquaintances, but I just really felt like I should do it. Feel free to disagree with me ... and post a comment about it! I don't mind at all. I'm not trying to tell people they are wrong and I'm right or questioning their judgment, just putting some of my ideas (and other people's) out there. (You may question MY judgment now though, haha). Forgive me!

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