Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to the Good Stuff - Montana

I know, I know, no one cares about the other blog, just get back to the good stuff - my kids. =)

So, we were in MT from Sept 4 - 15 visiting John's brother, wife and 2 boys and my in-laws. Oh yeah, and John was also there to try to bag a trophy elk. I was off-line out there, but wish I could have been writing every day. There were so many funny little things, I could have 10 pages of stuff. Here's my attempt at brevity:
Let's see - where to begin... We flew out of Philly very early on Thursday so we stayed in a hotel Wednesday night, taking the hotel shuttle to the airport. We checked in around 9PM. Why so late? Well, you see,
1. I babysat on Wednesday (but she actually helped to occupy Nat while I finished last minute chores)
2. I had to make dinner when John got home (If you've ever seen me cook you know I make such a mess it takes a while for me to clean up)
3. His suitcase broke as he was zipping it up to put in the car so we had to make a mad dash to the outlets on the way out of town.
4. We had to stop at Walmart (not on the way) to get him a stinkin' pad lock for his bow case. (The girls and I stayed in the car. He took the keys and it was stuffy. So there we were, like a bunch of hill billies, my shoes off, the kids climbing around the car and the door open for everyone to see. Oh well)

It took us a while to get settled. The girls were so wired. Plus we had to transfer John's clothes to the new bag, and unload all our junk. Nat started out in dad's bed but soon after he fell asleep, she crept over to my bed and snuggled in the crook of my leg behind my bent knees. Jules was snuggled in my arms. How cute. Then Nat touched Jules and Jules sat up and was excited and on and on!

Anyway, we slept a few hours, got ready, took the 4AM shuttle, schlepped 2 kids, 2 car seats, 2 carry-ons, a camera case and one bow case containing a firearm to the airport. Sigh

We were able to get seats together and flew our first leg without incident. Despite the early hour, and to daddy's dismay, the girls were too excited to sleep. Jules was a little loud (happy loud) and John and the others were struggling to get their cat nap in.

We landed in Minneapolis just fine and spent our lay-over in a kids play area. We ate snacks I'd packed, the girls played and John again tried to get some rest. Here are the little stinkers posing in the MSP airport.

The kids slept during the second leg of the flight and we landed in Missoula on time. Grammy and Grandpa came to pick us up (bearing cookies=) and we were all happy to see each other. We loaded up the truck, hooked up the car seats and off we went for the hour drive to Uncle Mark's house.

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