Sunday, September 28, 2008

Montana - Part 3 - The Hunt

We arrived on a Thursday so Mark took off work from Friday – Sunday for both weeks we were there. During the week, Toby was going to have to hunt on his own. He had Mark’s GPS, so the biggest thing he was worried about was being able to bugle. You see, finding an elk is like finding a needle in a hay stack. If you can get the needle to talk, it would be a little easier (especially since in archery you have to be sooo close to get a shot). So he practiced, and Oh Heavens! Sunday night he barely paid any attention to anyone. He sat outside and bugled. Wyatt, a great bugler according to the experts, bugled along with him. Oh, the cacophony! I was ready to shove that vacuum-hose-grunt-tube down his bronchial tube! But anyway, he went out on Monday and actually got one to call back. Tuesday he actually chased one around the canyon for hours but the bull never let Toby get closer than 50 yards. Wednesday it was pouring rain so he stayed home (elk don’t talk when it’s raining). Thursday, he had a lovely assistant and got within 30 yards. (I’ll tell you about that day in a later post.) Friday I prayed like a mad woman. In order to get meat back on the plane (my main objective), we really needed to get one no later than Saturday. I was on pins and needles until I heard news… and then I was devastated. They bugled, called him in and got within 20 yards. He was standing behind a Christmas tree type pine and Toby needed just one more step to get a good shot. With his bow a quarter of the way pulled back, they waited. Later, Toby said that he was pleased with how calm and focused he was. So, he and Mark are on baited breath. Toby was certain he was just going to take one more step….. but NO! All of a sudden he took off in the other direction, NO!, leaving Toby with nothing but a full quiver. This pic was taken from where Toby was standing to shoot. Can you see Wyatt in the center of the screen? That's where the elk was. That would be his best position of the entire 11 days. We came home with suitcases full of clothes instead of bricks of frozen meat. Oh, how I longed for a freezer full of a healthy, lean, (the original) “organic,” protein source.
However, we also came home with a ton of memories made with our family. We are so thankful to Gramma and Grandpa for transporting us everywhere and spoiling us, to Mark, Amie, Wyatt and Garrett for opening their home to us, providing meals, and just taking care of us. Not only do they put us up, but Toby gets a world-class hunt from an awesome guide for just the cost of his license. Mark could have worked or hunted himself on those days. Instead, he took his tag-along younger brother out to get one. We would never be able to afford to send even Toby out west on a hunt of this magnitude not to mention sending us girls too. We really appreciate it. Thanks Mark!

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