Monday, August 18, 2008

John's Bad Day

The other night, John was going to practice his bow and bravely took Nat and the dog along with him. Here, he goes to an area of new construction near a drainage pond (for Jazzy) and some gravel/dirt backstops.

He started by throwing the dummy 2 or 3 times for Jazzy just to drain a little energy from her before he shot. Nat was out walking around in the size 5 pink and brown rubber mud boots she got from our neighbor into which she squeezes her size 7 feet..... but they're pink.

So daddy goes to get his bow and Nat is not where she had been just a moment before. He quickly scans the area and then sees her in the car. He opens the door.... and "globs of mud, everywhere." Mud all over Nat's car seat. Mud on Jules' car seat. Mud on the backs of both front seats.... mud all over the entire back of the car. Then, there's the mud clumps all over her boots-which she has taken off, mud all over her socks, legs and FACE.

Upon talking with Nat, .... at length.... we determined she had been walking along the curb, like a balance beam. Then she had an unfortunate dismount.... right into a giant mud hole. Not a mud puddle - full of muddy water, a mud hole - full of muddy mud. She obviously proceeded to the car where she apparently was dancing or rolling around or shaking her groove thing because the mud was really everywhere. I couldn't get a good pic of the inside of the car, but here are her boots. John tried to wipe her and the car up as best he could and finished shooting a couple arrows. During that time, he spilled his coffee in the trunk of the car two times.... and despite being thrown the dummy earlier, Jaz was all worked up. John said he'd never seen her so hyper and she jumped and jumped.... in mud puddles. Yeah, and they all had to come home in my car. So John gets Nat in the car seat and Jaz in too. He ran down the hill to get the mud off of HIS boots. While he did, Jaz jumped out of the open driver's side window. The end of her leash got stuck on something inside the car and when he came back up the hill he found her dangling out of the window by her leash.... (getting mud all over the outside of the car.)

Oh, what a night.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Unreal! I swear they should make a sit-com with all the funny stories you guys experience! We sure do miss you and hope everyone cleaned up alright!