Monday, August 11, 2008

The Fair

Sorry I'm behind again. We went home on Wednesday last week so we could attend the big Cochranton Fair.

The night before, I accidentally fell asleep on the couch waiting for my last load of laundry to dry around 12:30 am. I have no idea how I got there, but at 4:30 am I found myself in my bed ... with a little stinker that had wormed in at some point. I raced to finish preparing before John got home. One task was to pack Jazzy's food so I head to the outdoor closet. After wrestling Nat's trike and a twined pile of firewood, I find the partial bag of food. I pull and hear "c-shchshshsh" like a heavy rain. The entire bottom of the bag fell apart and the contents spilled all through the closet. So, in the pre-dawn light, I'm vacuuming the outside closet floor. Ugh.

John got off work at 6 am. I made him some eggs while he loaded the car and we were on our way. He tried to sleep on the ride up, but alleges I drive like a drunk blind man. Additionally, he was cramped into the Elantra. Yeah, we took all five of us home in the Elantra. Luckily, Jazzy rode at the girls' feet the entire time and was just a dream. (Now, don't get me wrong, she is NOT a dream in many other ways, but she is in the car. )
So, anyway - parade: We headed down early to get a good spot. Despite the 4 comfortable lawn chairs we brought, we all ended up sitting on the ground on a sheet ... to get the candy, of course! Almost 2 hours later, as the first unit was finally about to come to us, Nat had to go pee. She and Nana went to the Country Fair and stood in a giant line while the band (her favorite part last year), and the Zem-Zem cars went by. I couldn't believe it, "we drove 5 hours to see this parade and she's going to miss it!"

We had a good time though. Daddy was in a fog from his strange hours, but did well to keep up with us. Little Julsie waved at the men in the fire trucks and loved the animals. (We could tell by her grunting.) She looked so cute sitting on the curb, which was a perfect seat for her, and chomping on a big Tootsie Roll all on her own.

We hit the fair for a little while and they put up with my chit-chatting. It was sooo crowded. While we did get Nat a snack, and visit some animals, we didn't ride anything, thinking we'd get there another day. Oh well.

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