Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Can't Even Take It

Every day, either John or I say, "these kids are so cute, I can't even take it." Every day there is something new that they do or say to make us smile. I love these little stinkers.
Today, Nat was on a scooter for the first time ever (thanks to our good friend Kylee). Ky showed her how to use it and after about 1 push, Nat runs over to where I'm sitting on the grass and says, "Um, hey.... mom. ... You know that helmet? ... could I have it?"
On John's last midnight shift, Nat slept in my bed quite a bit. A few nights I invited her in, a few nights she snuck in... and one night, well ... she won her way in. I had tucked her into her own bed and went about doing my "mom jobs." When I finally headed to bed a few hours later I heard heavy breathing as I approached my room. "Huh? Where's she at? I shouldn't be able to hear her from either bed?" ...... I turn on my light and

there she is, between my bed and dresser, snuggled on my comforter, which she had pulled off the bed and made into a little nest on the floor. She was just too cute. I put her into my bed, wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep smiling.
I dressed the girls for church a couple weeks ago and put Julsie in her patent leathers for the first time. She loved them. She loves shoes. She tries to SAY "shoes." (It comes out more like "chews.") She tries to put them on herself and even crawls around with them on her hands.
Immediately after church, we stopped at Giant and had to get donuts. Now it's not only Nat who is obsessed with donuts, Jules grunts, points and screams as we approach the bakery case. I let her point to the donut of her choice. I have 2 little donut monsters. Here they are after church:

notice two-fisted technique. (Yeah, I'm smart enough to save the good clothes =)

More silly stories and pics to come. I know I'm still behind, but I've got to hit the hay.


Cheryl said...

I know exactly how you feel. We were outside with the girls right after sky got home today and he turned to me as we were watching kylee doing something and said, "will it ever change...I just can't get enough of her" We feel like we are broken records every day just loving our kids to death. Being parents is just awesome! Congrats on accomplishing a post. Now that's productive. I had fun chatting the other day and I'm glad Nat is enjoying the scooter. Ride on over anytime. By the way, if I haven't said it before, your girls are darling!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassie said...

Oh Heather, They are such beautiful girls and I can't believe how quickly they are growing up! Seeing those darling pictures of them by the flowers I saw our Apt in the background and started to cry. I MISS YOU!!! I wish I could find another neighbor and friend as wonderful as you but I think that is impossible! Thanks for being such an awesome friend and wonderful mother to your girls. You are Loved.