Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Wonder as I Wander ...

As I walk the dog, I find time to think.... and this is what I thunk...

At 11:30 pm, you are driving on the interstate by yourself with two small, sleeping children. You've now finished one coffee and one large Sheetz Iced Chai Tea. Your bladder is about to explode. Do you:

a. Find the most well-lit gas station you can, lock the doors and run in and out as fast as you can? No one will even notice the kids in the car... right?

b. Find the most well-lit gas station you can, wake up the toddler and try to get her to walk. Carry the baby in (waking her up too). Attempt to balance the baby on your hip as you unbuckle your pants with one hand while trying to get the toddler to stop trying to lay her head on the in-stall trash receptacle. Wipe, pull up and buckle your pants with one hand, flush, and wash everyone's hands. Return to your car, buckle everyone up again and hope that no one notices that you are obviously traveling alone.

c. Although your husband tells you never to do so, you pull off the side of the highway and put the car in park. You strategically place the cup from your Sheetz Iced Chai under your own "bumper." You pray as you stare into your rear-view mirror that the oncoming traffic does not hit your car and that THIS cup doesn't "runneth over." (you dump the cup out douse your hands in Purell but keep the cup until you get to a trash can at your destination.... can't be a litter bug!)

d. Pull of at an exit, find a secluded office building, and relieve yourself in the woods near the edge of the parking lot. There probably isn't any poison ivy there....right?

e. None of the above. Mind over matter. Plus, the pain is helping to keep you from dozing off.

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