Friday, June 11, 2010

Lil Tidbits from Jules

Like Nat says, I think we all wish we could fall asleep like Julsie. She can fall asleep anywhere in a matter of moments. She can fall asleep at 6:00pm and sleep until morning. Her dad and I think she may have his narcolepsy. Take these pics for example. We had a long couple days last weekend and 2 nights in a row she didn't even make it to her bed. Someone would notice Jules was missing and say "where's Julsie?" This is what we found.

John and I were outside bringing the baby and bags, etc. into the house. The girls were already inside. I thought I may have heard the phone ring, but then nothing. When John opened the front door, he pointed to Julsie who was on the steps with the phone to her ear. We looked at each other, puzzled. It took me a minute to realize she really was talking to someone. Apparently she knows how to answer the phone and take messages too. "Yeah. No. Outside. Uh-huh. Ok, bye bye."
"Julsie, who was that?" "I don't know. A girl."
"Was it Nana?" "No"
"Was it Gramma?" "No"
"Who was it?" "I don't know. Her said her call back later."

Everytime Julsie gets on the phone: "Hi. This is Julsie-Baby." It's just about the cutest thing ever.

Jules rarely says "her." For example, as she did before Bailey's birth and the revelation of her sex, Jules refers to Bailey as "him."
ie. "awe, him so cute." or "did him lose him sock?"

Jules is a great story teller. I first realized this when she was trying to go potty a few months ago. She asked me to tell her a story while we were waiting for her system to oblige. I asked her to tell one instead, not actually thinking she would. Immediately she said, "Oooonce pona tiiiiime..." She continued to tell me a story about 2 "nakes," 2 mouses, and a wolf. These characters remain among her favorite heroes and villians in tales she weaves. Typically, there is a lot of "getting" accompanied by clawing motions, someone being eaten, the villian becoming nice, and everyone eventually becoming friends.

Julsie is officially potty-trained! I now feel confident in saying that and thank the Lord. She still wears a diaper at night for safety, but rarely needs it. It has been a struggle but we have prevailed. As a reward, she had a special shopping trip with Nana to pick out her very own big girl undies. (It was supposed to be Julsie and Nana only, but she graciously allowed Nat to come too.) Then they went to DQ for a treat. Way to go big girl!

Yeah, she's now becoming a big girl - like Nat says, "we have a big girl, a toddler and a baby" - but we still call her Baby Jules. She still loves it and wouldn't have it any other way. I think she may be Baby Jules (or Julsie Baby) her whole life and I'm ok with that =)

1 comment:

Amy Marie said...

What a funny girl you have! Asleep on the steps?