Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bailey - Week 8

Well, I know I've missed a few weeks here. Things have been rather hectic since John got home from being out of town for 25 days. Please forgive me.
On the sleeping front, we are doing well. Sunday night she actually slept for over 8 hours! Woo hoo! However, she fell victim to the stuffy nose that had plagued Nat the week prior and struck Julsie on Saturday evening/Sunday morning. Monday was a rough night, but we have been getting back on track now. She has cleared up some and the cool mist humidifier is helping too. Poor thing, she makes little snorting piggy sounds while trying to breathe sometimes. =(

Developmentally she is looking around at things more and I've really noticed her being interested in things with patterns (stripes, dots, etc) She seems to be focusing better and looking at faces more. Her days are still dominated by sleep but we've had some more waking time including some screaming time the last couple days (don't bother calling between 8 and 10.) I hope it is due to the stuffiness and goes away quickly.

Here is the little stinker posing with some peonies from our garden. (They are my favorite flower and are in full bloom here so they had to make an appearance.)


Amy Marie said...

Those are wonderful pictures! I hope the cold passes quickly!

Cheryl said...

Oh she is darling! Way to go super mom...I can't believe John was gone for 25 days. I hope you are getting some rest lady! Love the flowers and you caught some great shots

Anonymous said...

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