Friday, March 5, 2010

The Pressuuurrrre of a name

With each child, John and I seem to struggle - slightly - with choosing a name for our new bundle. For both girls we were dressed and ready to leave the hospital with the baby in the car seat still trying to think of a name.

You may be asking WHY? It's not like the child was sprung on us. We've had months to prepare for this. I don't blame you, I wonder the same thing! {Nat has had a boy's name since before we were even trying and settled on a girl's name a few months ago (Ben and Sara).} If it were just me, maybe. I can be a little bit of a procrastinator, but JOHN?! He is a planner. I mean, a real planner! Why can't we do this?

It's not for lack of trying - books, on-line, the Bible, suggestions from friends, family, and even OB nurse's name tags. When we were having Nat, we thought of almost everything for a girl. I mean everything:
- We had the conventional, like Theresa, Allison, Sydney, Alexis, Kaitlyn.
- The familial, like Grace, Mabel, Louise
- Then we had John's suggestions, like
"Arnolda" (after Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course) and
"Dana" which, in itself, is a fine name. I just think "Dana O'Day" is too much. "Da-na-O-Da-na-O-Da-na-O-Da-na-O-Da-na-O-Da......." Where does it end?
- Then there were the truly clever from my office gang:
A la our favorite vending machine snack: "Frieda" and then we'd have "Frieda O'Day." Like Frito-lay
A la Gwenyth Paltrow and her daughter: "Apple" and then we'd have "Apple O'Day." Like "An Apple O'Day keeps the doctor away!"

Crazy to Common, Sentimental to Silly, we've tried them all. Somehow we did it, and somehow we settled on Natalie Grace and Julia Louise. I am satisfied. Hmmm. I wonder what #3 will be.


Hansen Family said...

I want to KNOW!!!! Miss you friend!!!!!

Jendi said...

Love this post! Made me laugh.
Now I'm really curious to hear what the next one's name is.