Monday, February 15, 2010

My Little Sweethearts

When I gave Jules her Valentine gifts, she was so excited and thankful. She opened her box of chocolate hearts and although she absolutely LOVES chocolate, the very first thing she did was give one to me and one to her dad. She shared with everyone all day. She is very generous with her things.

When Nat came downstairs and saw that there were gifts and cards and cookies for her, she became teary-eyed and cried, "but I didn't get you a Valentines gift." I had to work hard through the morning to console her. Later, my parents took us out to Valentines lunch. John had to leave a little early for work and as he was preparing to go, Nana heard Natalie say to him, "on your first day off, can you take me to get mommy a Valentines gift? On your first day?" She is often thinking of others.

My little sweet petites. I love them so much. I am so blessed to have girls with such kind, kind souls.

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