Wednesday, January 14, 2009

10 Random Things About Julsie

Hmmm. With such a short life, this may be a hard one.

1. Jules got her chicken pox vaccine just before Christmas and now she has about a 15-20 "pox" on her body. They don't seem to bother her though (thank goodness)

2. We finally stopped nursing completely! I'm so lazy. (We've been hung up at once a day for a while now)

3. Her favorite word is still "Why." Oh why oh why! No, its still cute. Other favorites are Yeah, No (for no, snow, nose, I don't know), Pah (drink), milk, mah-MEE, da-DEE and Nat.

4. She's a good eater and will never turn food down

5. She just dropped off the bottom of the chart for her weight (statistically under what other kids her age are). She is 25% for height and head circumfrence - and here we thought we were going to have a bruiser!

6. She was born at 6 lb 12 oz

7. She LOVES to be naked. Her favorite time of day is just after her bath. She insists on running around the house sans clothes, holds her arms out wide, stands on her tip-toes, looks at her belly and laughs. I have to fight her to get her diaper and clothes on. She also loves to remove anything else she can at any point in the day

8. Every night she sleeps with Nat's old naked baby (the whole neighborhood's favorite doll) and one blanket. Even on the very coldest of nights she will take one and only one special blanket. She will kick off any other blanket with astonishing ferocity, "No!" It's just a plain cotton blankie that was a hand-me-down to Natalie.

9. She is addicted to cinnamon toast. "Toe, Toe!" (She gets it honestly)

10. She says AMEN now when we get done praying for meals! It comes out Ah-me. With her little hands folded, it may be the cutest thing ever.

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